
The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the three sacraments of initiation, is also the first of the seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. It removes the guilt and effects of Original Sin and incorporates the baptized into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth. Adults and children (ages 7+) old enough to understand baptism are given extensive formation and instruction prior to their reception of this first sacrament of initiation.

Infant Baptism Policy

In the case of infants, it has been understood throughout centuries that an infant is baptized into the faith of his or her immediate faith community (e.g., parents, Godparents, extended family, parish), the faith in which he or she will mature and come to a profound understanding of the significance of the faith. Baptizing an infant is next to meaningless if the infant cannot rely upon this ongoing community support. Therefore, the minister of baptism needs to have a well-founded hope that a child to be baptized will actually enjoy the living example and support of the Catholic parent(s) and will grow up in a state of easy familiarity with religious practice.

Requirements for Baptism:

  1. To register for baptism and/or a baptismal class, please fill out the baptism registration form which can be completed online thru our parish website at Baptism Registration Form. If you have questions regarding the registration, please call us at 954-752-3950. You may also download and complete the Baptism Registration form in English or  Spanish and return it to the parish office or by e-mailing it to us. You may also come into the parish office.
  2. Upon completion of the baptismal registration form, the parents will be contacted to discuss any additional information, and the baptismal preparation class.
  3. A Baptism date will be scheduled after the parents and godparents have attended a Baptismal Preparation and documentation has been received. Baptisms are held at 3:30PM in English on Sundays and 11:30AM in Spanish on Saturdays.
  4. Individuals selected to be the Godparents must complete a Baptism Preparation class and have the eligibility form, provided by the parish office, signed by their Parish which indicating the following have been met:
  • Are at least 16 years old
  • Received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, & Confirmation
  • Attend Mass regularly on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
  • If married, were married in a Catholic Church
  • If single, they are not cohabitating
  • Are not the Mother or Father of the child.
  1. Ideally, there should be two Godparents (one male, one female). However, only one Godparent is required.
  2. As long as one of the godparents is a practicing Catholic, a baptized practicing non-Catholic Christian may serve as a “Christian witness” to the baptism. A Christian Witness is not required to take the Baptismal Preparation Class, but they are welcome to attend.