Next Retreat:
October 25, 26, & 27
“Come Journey with me … down the road to Emmaus”
A Retreat for Men
They say diamonds are a gift that will last forever. Maybe, but more precious than jewels is a magnificent gift of God’s love for YOU. A love that will stand the test of time, is guaranteed to shine despite any scratches or nicks, ensures everlasting comfort and joy, and never tarnishes or fades.
When was the last time you gave yourself a gift that will last forever? The Men’s Emmaus retreat is the one-stop shop for finding such a gift.
What is an Emmaus Experience?
It is an experience where men gather to be ministered to by other men. For men who wish to experience God and renew and deepen their relationship with the Lord. This is a time for personal growth. The retreat is based on the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35.
Is this another one of those Programs for pious people?
No! We are all called to holiness so any man who wishes to grow closer to the Lord and receive His touch and consolation will enjoy the weekend. Mother Teresa said: it is not enough to be good, we must be holy.
What happens on the weekend?
The Lord comes to spend time with you, and you with Him. On this retreat you will be free from the distractions of your daily routine. With your whole self being relaxed, you will be able to open your heart and listen to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That is the deep satisfaction, inner peace and joy you will find: real gifts! The time is spent hearing The Word of God, listening to the stories of other men and relaxing. The Liturgy will be the high-point of the weekend.
What are the greatest benefits for making Emmaus?
Benefits will be personal to you. Men receive tremendous healing, lifting of burdens, and experiences of love and joy. It is a vehicle to meet other men in the parish who are also looking for friendship.
Where is it? How much does it cost?
The retreat is held at St. Andrew Catholic Church in the Social Hall.
The cost is $150.00 per person, which includes all meals, lodging, and retreat program. Transportation to and from the retreat center, in the form of a car pool, will also be provided.
How do I sign up?
You can complete an application online on the Parish website at St. Andrew Men’s Emmaus or download an application and mail it to the Retreat Facilitator. Registration will also be held after all weekend Masses prior to the Retreat; watch the Bulletin for registration dates.
How long since you’ve asked yourself:
+ Who am I? + Where did I come from? + Where am I going?
You can arrive at the answers if you give yourself time to think. You will find the answers right in your own heart when you make an Emmaus retreat. Come join us!
Our Saint Andrew Men’s Emmaus Prayer
Lord Jesus, You built your church out of ordinary men and sinners, And made these men fishermen of humanity, And gave them the burning desire to proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand. Because you O Lord, so loved the world to give yourself as a ransom for many. We men of Emmaus are no different than the first apostles, we are ordinary men and sinners. Like Peter, we men of Emmaus believe that you, Jesus the Nazorean, are the Messiah the Son of the Living God. We proclaim your resurrection as: Jesus Christ is Risen! And indeed, You are!
Therefore, in your Holy Name, Jesus we pray:
Give us the burning desire to proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Make us fishermen of men for our Emmaus retreat,
Give us the grace to increase this ministry in praise and Glory of your name and
your Kingdom in the mystical body of your Church in the Apostolic Faith.
Lord Jesus, we ask that in times of weakness, trial, disagreements,
and when ego or pride seek to overtake us,
Help us to take the Word of God as armor, Girding ourselves in truth.
Clothing ourselves in righteousness,
Walking in readiness to receive and proclaim the gospel,
Shield us with Faith, and cover us with the Grace of your salvation,
Help us to get ready to engage with your Word by our side.
The vineyard is big, and the laborers are few,
For the Glory of God and your Holy Church.
Bring men to your Emmaus vineyard!
In Jesus name, we Pray!