Saint Andrew Parish was founded on May 29, 1969 by Father Patrick E. Farrell
The first Mass was celebrated at 8:15am at the Coral Ridge Administration Building, now the Coral Springs City Hall. The 10:00am Mass was held at private homes throughout the city.
The original Church was erected and dedicated on September 23, 1972.
The parochial school was built in 1976.
In 1982 a new Church was built and the original Church was transitioned into the Parish Social Hall.
The Zimmermann Memorial Adoration Chapel was a legacy from Monsignor George Puthusseril and was dedicated by Archbishop John Clement Favalora on September 30, 2009
In July 2012, Saint Andrew welcomed it’s current Pastor, former secretary to Archbishop Favalora, Monsignor Michael A. Souckar
Saint Andrew Parish looks forward to celebrating its’ 50th Anniversary in May 2019.