Pope Francis instituted “The Word of God Sunday” which is held each year on The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. So this Sunday, January 24th – we invite everyone to bring their Bibles to Mass. The priest will bless the bibles at each Mass and you are invited to “Enthrone your Bible at Home. For more information, please visit our website at: https://www.standrewparish.org/enthronement-of-the-bible-in-your-home/
January 21, 2021 11:00 pm
January 21, 2021
Pope Francis instituted “The Word of God Sunday” which is held each year on The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. So this Sunday, January 24th – we invite everyone to bring their Bibles to Mass. The priest will bless the bibles at each Mass and you are invited to “Enthrone your Bible at Home. For more information, please visit our website at: https://www.standrewparish.org/enthronement-of-the-bible-in-your-home/